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I'm on a Diet!

I'm on a Diet!

I'm dieting
from deities; I'm
a bit too fat
off philosophies
and prophecies
profiting from greed.

What I need's
to stop bleeding,
get rid of that;
or at least learn to live
without some creed.

At least learn to live
without some blood
coursing, and of course,
through all of me.

If peace is what I'd give
to doubt some love,
it's no worse than to curse
mine enemy.

I'm dieting from deities,
yet never starve...
A little goes along
the longest way.

I'm just dieting from deities
to disregard
all the hatred that I'm forced
to do and say.

Dieting from deities ---
If the world were thin
in this respect, then respect
would overflow.

I'm dieting from deities,
perhaps a sin...
but a necessary one,
for all we know.